Understanding and managing stress in the workplace

Sense providing office massage in HarrogateSense Massage Therapy provided onsite chair massage to the key note speakers, delegates, and event organisers at the Pavilion in Harrogate. 

Our aim was to demonstrate the benefits of seated massage in the workplace and provide a practical tool managers can use as part of their care of duty to their employees.  We had a great day and managed to speak to, as well as massage many attendees of the exhibition. 

Research Center

Share The Love in February: Campaign to End Loneliness

We recently heard about a campaign called Share The Love being run by Fairfield Care to combat loneliness.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, a time all about love, we are asking you to think about someone that's close to you.  Someone that lives alone and might be feeling lonely. It might be a family member, friend or neighbour.

The #ShareTheLove campaign is all about taking someone, who might be feeling lonely, for afternoon tea? It’s so simple and could make a huge difference to someone’s life.

Do You Love Your Liver As Much As You Could?

Did you manage a Dry January? 

We all know January is the time we cut back after all the overindulgence of Christmas, we try to not drink, cut back on the chocolate and crisps, and we are really, really determined to look after ourselves, right? 

If you did, then well done!  If you didn’t then read on to get some helpful advice that you can use throughout 2017 to get you back on track.  

Scientists discover link between stress and heart disease

The effect of constant stress on a deep-lying region of the brain explains the increased risk of heart attack, a study in The Lancet suggests.

In a study of 300 people, those with higher activity in the amygdala were more likely to develop cardiovascular disease - and sooner than others.

Stress could be as important a risk factor as smoking and high blood pressure, the US researchers said.

Heart experts said at-risk patients should be helped to manage stress.

World Hypertension Day - Global Increasing 17th May

BP Chart

Every year, 17 May is dedicated to World Hypertension Day, the purpose of the which is to promote public awareness of the problem.  Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure and astonishingly one in three adults in the UK has high blood pressure. High blood pressure raises the risk of having a heart attack or stroke and every five minutes, someone in the UK has a heart attack. For strokes it’s one every 3.5 minutes.


Several factors are linked to causing high blood pressure:


Work stress linked to greater risk of stroke

Stressed man at workWaitresses and nursing aides run a higher risk of stroke than janitors or teachers, according to research published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who experience high levels of stress at work may be at greater risk for stroke.

Nurses Miss 1,000 Hours due to Stress

July 2013
Nurses miss 1,000 hours due to stress as cuts bite at Sunderland hospital

STRESSED nurses were absent from work for almost 1,000 hours in the first three months of this year.

New figures from Sunderland Royal Hospital reveal exhausted staff nurses and specialist nurse practitioners (SNPs) were the groups most feeling the strain.