National Stress Awareness Day 2023: Tackling Workplace Stress

2 November 2023

National Stress Awareness Day, observed on 2 November 2023, is an initiative by the International Stress Management Association, aimed at highlighting the effects of psychological distress in the workplace and promoting effective strategies to address it. At Sense Massage Therapy, we are keenly aware of the impact of workplace stress and are dedicated to offering solutions to mitigate it.

Research Center

World Mental Health Day 2024: Enhancing Wellbeing with Sense Massage Therapy

10 October 2024

World Mental Health Day, observed on 10th October every year, is a global initiative run by the World Federation for Mental Health. This day is dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. At Sense Massage Therapy, we recognise the significance of this day and are committed to contributing to the cause by highlighting the role of massage therapy in enhancing mental wellbeing.

Understanding the Importance of Mental Health

Mental health, an integral part of our overall wellbeing, often remains overlooked in the hustle of daily life. World Mental Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health and the need to address mental health issues with the same urgency as physical health. This day brings to light various mental health struggles faced by people globally and encourages conversations around mental health care and support.

How Sense Massage Therapy Supports Mental Health

At Sense Massage Therapy, we believe in the power of massage therapy as a tool to promote mental wellbeing. Our services, especially designed for the workplace, include:

  1. On-Site Chair Massage: Providing a quick and effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, on-site chair massage is an excellent method for improving mental health in the workplace.

  2. Mindfulness and Yoga Sessions: Alongside massage, we offer mindfulness and yoga sessions, which are proven to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity.

  3. Wellness Days: Our comprehensive packages that combine various wellness activities are tailored to encourage relaxation and mental wellbeing among employees.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Mental Health

Massage therapy is more than just a physical relief; it offers several mental health benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Massage therapy is known for its ability to lower stress hormones, which can significantly improve mental health.

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Regular massage sessions can enhance sleep quality, which is crucial for mental health.

  • Boost in Mood: Massage therapy can increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body, contributing to a better mood and overall sense of wellbeing.

Participating in World Mental Health Day

This World Mental Health Day, we encourage businesses to focus on the mental wellbeing of their employees. Organising massage therapy sessions, wellness days, or mindfulness workshops can be a great way to participate in this important day. Not only does it show a commitment to employee wellbeing, but it also contributes to a more positive and productive work environment.


World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of mental health and take actionable steps towards improving it. At Sense Massage Therapy, we are proud to offer services that support mental wellbeing and contribute to a healthier, happier society. Let’s use this day to make mental health a priority in our personal and professional lives. Call our team on 0800 488 0606 and find out how Sense can help your company.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Elevating Workplace Wellbeing with Sense Massage Therapy: 13-19 May 2024

As Mental Health Awareness Week approaches from 13-19 May 2024, Sense Massage Therapy is eager to assist companies in planning and executing activities that focus on mental health in the workplace. Recognising the critical role of mental wellbeing in the work environment, we offer a range of services and expertise to support these initiatives.

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Managing Workplace Stress

April 2024

Stress Awareness Month, observed every April since 1992, serves as a vital initiative to heighten public understanding about the widespread issue of stress. With its roots dating back over three decades, this annual campaign aims to shed light on the myriad causes of stress and, importantly, the effective ways to alleviate it. This year, the focus is on a particularly pertinent area: managing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Celebrate Mental Health Month With Sense: Spotlight on World Mental Health Day

Hello and welcome to Sense's special blog post commemorating Mental Health Month. This October, we pay tribute to a cause very close to our hearts - mental health. Within this special month, we also observe World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, a day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues around the globe. At Sense, we firmly believe in the therapeutic benefits of massage and wellness activities for mental health, and this month, we'll delve into how these therapies can contribute to our mental well-being.

Stress Awareness Day 2023

Taking Stress in Stride: How Massage Therapy Can Help This Stress Awareness Day

As we commemorate Stress Awareness Day on 2nd November 2023, it's essential to understand why this day holds such significance. With our increasingly demanding lifestyles, stress has become a near-constant companion for many. Recognising and effectively managing stress is key to maintaining our mental health and overall well-being.

Celebrating Thank You Day with Sense Massage Therapy

Gratitude is a powerful force that brings people together and fosters a positive working environment. At Sense Massage Therapy, we understand the importance of showing appreciation to those around us. That's why we're delighted to be involved in Thank You Day, a national event dedicated to celebrating gratitude and appreciation. This year is the third annual Thank You Day and it will be held on Sunday 2nd July. In this blog, we will explore the origins of Thank You Day, the role of Sense Massage Therapy in the celebrations, and the benefits of workplace massage.