Mental Health Awareness Week 2023: Unlock the Secret to Happier, Healthier Employees: Boost Mental Health with Office Massages

This year's Mental Health Awareness Week is from 15 to 21 May.

Research Center

5 Proven Strategies to Motivate and Encourage Your Team to Return to the Office in 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world in many ways, not least of which is office life.

One of the biggest challenges that businesses are facing right now is how to encourage their staff to return to the office. After over a year of working remotely, many employees have grown accustomed to the flexibility and convenience of working from home. Many are hesitant to give up their newfound work-life balance, the ability to avoid a stressful commute, and the comfort of their home office.

Take Care of Yourself: How to Reduce Stress During Stress Awareness Month 2023

April marks Stress Awareness Month, an important time to focus on the causes and cures of stress. Stress is a normal reaction to life events, but if left unchecked, it can have a detrimental effect on our physical and mental health. Sense Massage is here to help, with our chair massage services designed to provide an oasis of calm in the workplace.

National Complementary Therapy Week - Celebrate with Sense!

20th-27th March 2023 is National Complementary Therapy Week

Time to Talk Day: Let's Make Mental Health a Priority

Thursday 2nd February is Time to Talk Day 2023 and it's the perfect time to start a conversation about mental health. Mental health affects us all, so it's important to make it a priority. Here at Sense Massage Therapy, we believe that taking the time to talk about mental health can help to reduce stigma and create a more open and understanding society.

10 New Year's Resolutions That Will Transform Your Life in 2023!

Welcome to our blog! As the New Year approaches, many of us are thinking about the changes we want to make in our lives. If you're feeling stuck in a rut and want to shake things up in 2023, then you're in the right place! In this post, we'll be sharing 10 surprising New Year's resolutions that are sure to transform your life. We include your typical resolutions like "exercise more" or "eat healthier" because they are important; but, we include some other unique and unexpected ways to improve your wellbeing, relationships, and overall happiness. So, if you're ready for a fresh start and some exciting new challenges, read on for our top 10 surprising New Year's resolutions for 2023!